Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Form follows function or function follows form?

My sister found this chair (called the Do Hit Chair by Marijn van der Poll) on and I was a little perplexed when she showed it to me.  The idea behind this design is interactive and unorthodox- allowing the consumer to decide the fate of the end product.  Basically the consumer gets to hit, smash, shape, and warp the metal into any form they want for a chair: hammer included.  However It would take a highly skilled metal worker to shape this material into something comfortable that could be used as a chair.  Otherwise I would imagine sharp, protruding corners in all the wrong places, making for a useless seating arrangement.  Thus, in this case function follows form. 

However, maybe the function of this design is not to produce a traditionally functional chair.  A marketing drive behind this product is the potential for the consumer to let out a little aggression and apply their creative juices.  In this case form and function are concurrent and whatever that function and form may be, the consumer is deciding:

You can see the designer Marijn van der Poll design his own chair here.

1 comment:

  1. interesting,may be i will buy that chair for your new apartment.
